•  国防大学少将金一南讲军事(套装3册)



    金一南 /2017-10-01 /北京磨铁数盟信息技术有限公司

  •  苦难辉煌(英文)


    In 20th-century East Asia, nothing was more exciting and astounding than the historic fall and rise of the Chinese nation on its two-century trek from the sick man of Asia to national rejuvenation. Various political forces collided and fought with each other along the way. Never before had China seen such intense clashes between internal and external forces; never had the game been more complicated; never had strategic transformation been more volatile. It fell to Mao Zedong to lead the Red Army through the Long March, a purgatory and a test of fire for the Chinese Communists. And when China finally emerged from the scourge of pitiless war, betrayal and sacrifice, the nation had been tempered by history and the times as never before. The Long March was the most epic feat in Chinese history. The Red Army and the Chinese revolution emerged from their suffering and soared to new heights like a phoenix rising from its ashes. And the bugle sounding the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation could be heard in every


    金一南 /2020-01-01 /外文出版社有限责任公司
