•  中国巨变:1978-2018(英)

    中国巨变:1978-2018(英) 激荡四十年,一段*值得记录的光辉岁月

    每个时代都有自己的故事,每段历史都有自己的内在逻辑。通过《中国巨变:1978 2018》,你将了解到一个更真实的中国,一个更鲜活的中国,也将感受到一个古老民族自强不息、激流奋进的命运历程。 Every stretch of history has its own internal logic. The reader of this book may be confronted with a more real China than he has known before. Under the surface ripples, diverging streams, uneven tumult, he may discern the middle of the channel, that greater internal logic at work. It represents the flow of a people, quite an ancient nation of people, coursing with all vigor, all courage, all hope, toward an uncertain future.

    ¥143.10定价:¥146.00 (9.81折)

    吴晓波 /2019-01-01 /五洲传播出版社
