•  房龙地理:英文

    房龙地理:英文 正版图书保证质量 七天无理由退货让您购物无忧

    《房龙地理(英文彩绘本)(套装共2册)》以方位、大视角审视几千年来人类为生存行的斗争。房龙生当乱世,他始终关注的一个问题便是各种文明之间如何才能破除此疆彼界,达到相互的宽容与理解。 GENERALLY SPEAKING, I have paid moreattention to the purely human side of geographythan to the commercial problems which are held to beof such great importance in a day and age devoted tomass production. But experience has taught me that no matter how eloquent you waxupon the ject of importing and exporting, and the output of coalmines and oil reservoirs and bank deposits, you will never be able totell your reader something which he can remember from one page tothe next. Whenever he has need of such figures he will be obliged tolook them up once more and verify them with the help of a dozencontradictory handbooks on commercial statisticr />Man comes first in this geography. His physical environment and background come next. The rest is given

    ¥14.70定价:¥59.00 (2.5折)


    房龙 /2009-08-01 /中央编译出版社

  •  全新正版图书 房龙地理(英文彩绘本)房龙中央编译出版社9787511701299 社会地理学英文人天图书专营店

    全新正版图书 房龙地理(英文彩绘本)房龙中央编译出版社9787511701299 社会地理学英文人天图书专营店 正版图书保证质量 七天无理由退货让您购物无忧

    《房龙地理(英文彩绘本)(套装共2册)》以方位、大视角审视几千年来人类为生存行的斗争。房龙生当乱世,他始终关注的一个问题便是各种文明之间如何才能破除此疆彼界,达到相互的宽容与理解。 GENERALLY SPEAKING, I have paid moreattention to the purely human side of geographythan to the commercial problems which are held to beof such great importance in a day and age devoted tomass production. But experience has taught me that no matter how eloquent you waxupon the ject of importing and exporting, and the output of coalmines and oil reservoirs and bank deposits, you will never be able totell your reader something which he can remember from one page tothe next. Whenever he has need of such figures he will be obliged tolook them up once more and verify them with the help of a dozencontradictory handbooks on commercial statisticr />Man comes first in this geography. His physical environment and background come next. The rest is given

    ¥14.75定价:¥59.00 (2.5折)


    房龙 /2009-08-01 /中央编译出版社
