•  室内设计一百年 周家斌 编译 中国文联出版社【正版保证】

    室内设计一百年 周家斌 编译 中国文联出版社【正版保证】 全国三仓发货,物流便捷,下单秒杀,欢迎选购!

    Author of《1900-2000室内设计一百年》STANLEY ABERCROMBIE haeeeditor-in-chief of the magazines Interiors and Interior Design. He has taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Desigand has served as a director of the Society of Architectural. Historians. The author of tepreviouooks, he is a Fellow of the AmericaAcademy iRome, a Fellow of the AmericaInstitute of Architects, and aHonorary Fettow of the AmericaSociety of Interior Designers. Interior desighas undergone a number of revolutions ithe past hundred years. Modernism and traditiofought for dominance, thebtended and coested; professional, schoots were founded and industry standards set; and the concept of desigentered the generat cuttural consciousness, touching every aspect of our rives from the bedroom to the office to the public arena. A Century of Interior Desigtells the story of this fields most eventfut century ia pletely accessibte yet prehensive way, by detailing at[ the most important milestones ia visual, timeline format. Whether youre

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    周家斌 编译 /2007-06-01 /中国文联出版社
