•  创新中国系列-高铁漫谈

    创新中国系列-高铁漫谈 中国高铁发展科普读物


    ¥55.10定价:¥58.00 (9.5折)


    周晶晶;康仁伟;高鹏飞 /2019-05-01 /五洲传播出版社

  •  中国创造系列:海底的较量:厦门海底(英)


    海底是人类的未知领域之一,通过海底隧道连接交通,是一个创造性的梦想。翔安隧道这一宏伟的工程,不仅圆了厦门岛内外人民百年来穿越海底抵达彼岸的梦想,也将载入史册,成为具有里程碑意义的中国**条海底隧道。这是迄今为止世界上断面**的钻爆法公路海底隧道,充分展现了中国的海底隧道建设实力和科技创新成果,是中国综合国力的体现。图书历史性地呈现了这一中国的创造性工程的决策、建设、创新和经验成就等内容。 The seabed is almost unchartered territory for human beings, and it is a creative dream to allow transportation through seabed tunnels. The magnificent project of Xiang’an Tunnel realized the dream of people inside and outside Xiamen Island for over a century to pass through the seabed and reach the other shore. This milestone project will also be recorded in history as the first subsea tunnel in China. This subsea highway tunnel adopts the

    ¥93.10定价:¥98.00 (9.5折)


    Xu Jingming /2014-04-01 /五洲传播出版社

  •  中国创造系列-中国速度:高速铁路发展之路(中)


    中国高铁的发展已经改变了我们的生活,人们的出行更加便捷而舒适,人们的需求因为铁路速度的提升而得到更多的满足。就像长城、北京胡同、京剧等一样,铁路是中国的一种文化符号,也是中国人的一种集体记忆。中国人对铁路情有独钟,从绿皮车到“和谐号”,承载的是时代发展的中国梦。而这个梦想是如何实现的?中国高铁是如何迅疾崛起与超越的?中国速度又是怎样炼成的?敬请读者跟本书一起走进中国高铁,了解中国铁路的昨天、今天与明天。 China’s rapid transit railways have changed people’s lives, adding convenience and comfort to people’s travels,satisfying more of their needs and all with an increase in speed. Chinese people show special preference for train travel and so this project signifies their dreams becoming a reality. However, as to questions such as how China’s rapid transit railways rose so quickly and how the speed of rapid

    ¥38.30定价:¥45.00 (8.52折)


    雷风行编著 /2013-12-01 /五洲传播出版社
