•  HSK标准教程4(上)

    HSK标准教程4(上) (新汉语水平考试)

    考教结合 100%覆盖HSK考试大纲,100%吻合HSK真题题型 科学严谨 语法细化拆分暗线贯穿,语音、汉字小步推进,逐级铺垫 实用有效 表达内容真实实用,培养有效学习策略 场景丰富 短课文、多场景,降低学习难度,增加语言接触面 自然幽默 复现幽默真题句,语言、配图与考试风格全面接轨 Combination of Testing and Teaching The series covers 100% of the HSK Syllabus and is 100% consistent with the HSK test. Scientific and Well-arranged The grammar points are carefully divided and implicitly connected, and pronunciation and characters are taught in a step-by-step progressive manner. Practical and Effective The books provide genuine and practical materials and cultivate efficient learning strategies. Diverse Situations The short texts and dialogues in various situations help reduce the difficulty in learning and increase exposure to a wide range of the language.

    ¥70.20定价:¥78.00 (9折)


    姜丽萍 主编,董政张军 /2014-09-01 /北京语言大学出版社
