•  I'll Always Love You (Dragonfly Books) 我永远爱你 ISBN 9780517572

    I'll Always Love You (Dragonfly Books) 我永远爱你 ISBN 9780517572

    这是关于世界上*好的小狗Elfie的故事,是吗? 故事的开头,小男孩还是婴儿的时候,他的身边坐着一只“世界上*好的小狗”。 This is a story about Elfie- the Best dog in the whole. 紧接着,画面集中展现了小男孩的成长和小狗的成长,从小男孩坐便盆,小狗有了大大的狗窝,到他们一起吹生日蜡烛,小男孩挥舞着“宝剑”,小狗变成了骑士的战马…… We grew up together, but Elfie grew much faster than Idid.孩子和小狗一起长大了,但是小狗要比小孩长得快得多。 My brother and sister loved Elfie very much, but she was mydog.小男孩的哥哥姐姐也很喜欢小狗,但是怎么说呢,对小男孩来说“那是我的小狗”。 这只小狗喜欢追树上的松鼠,喜欢在花园里挖洞,偶尔也会闯祸,而且越变越胖,越来越爱睡觉 ——小狗正在变老了,爬楼梯也变得越来越困难。但是小男孩会把它抱上楼去睡觉。大大的狗窝也变



    Hans Wilhelm /1998-12-01 /Random House US

  •  The Ugly?Duckling丑小鸭(荣获凯迪克银奖,精装)ISBN9780688159320

    The Ugly?Duckling丑小鸭(荣获凯迪克银奖,精装)ISBN9780688159320

    当当网自营进口儿童书由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司童书馆供货 For over one hundred years "The Ugly Duckling" has been a childhood favorite, and Jerry Pinkney's spectacular new adaptation brings it triumphantly to new generations of readers. With keen emotion and fresh vision, the acclaimed artist captures the essence of the tale's timeless appeal: The journey of the awkward little bird -- marching bravely through hecklers, hunters, and cruel seasons -- is an unforgettable survival story; this blooming into a graceful swan is a reminder of the patience often necessary to discover true happiness. Splendid watercolors set in the lush countryside bring drama to life.



    Hans Christian Andersen 著,Jerry Pinkney /1999-03-24
