•  红楼梦(全英文平装版 共4册) A Dream of Red Mansions

    红楼梦(全英文平装版 共4册) A Dream of Red Mansions

    《红楼梦》成书于18世纪中叶,是中国伟大的一部古典长篇小说。它描写了一个由盛而衰的贵族大家庭中的爱情婚姻悲剧,并以此为中心展开了一幅广阔而生动的社会历史生活画面,塑造出贾宝玉、林黛玉等众多光彩夺目、令人难以忘怀的人物形象。《红楼梦》以其宏大精致的小说结构,博大精深的文化内涵,以及出色的语言艺术,被公认为中国古典小说艺术的高峰。 本译系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译,它是一部*接近原著的《红楼梦》英文全译本。 A Dream of Red Mansions is China s greatest full-length classical novel. It is a tragic love story set against the background of the decline of an aristocratic family. With this as its central theme, the novel unfolds a vast and moving panorama of social history. It also parades a memorable and dazzling cast of characters. The wide-raging and meticulous structure of A Dream of Red Mansions,

    ¥100.80定价:¥168.00 (6折)


    曹雪芹 /2021-01-01 /外文出版社
