•  投资伟大的企业——解读巴菲特致股东的信


    “相当简单,在大师面前沉浸几个小时的效果远远大于我个人过去十年独自的投资摸索。(Quite simply,a few hours spent at the feet of the master proved far more valuable to me than had ten years of supposedly original thinking.)” ——摘自巴菲特2000年致股东的信中缅怀格雷厄姆的话 “*智慧的投资是以商业角度来看的投资。(Investing is most intelligent when it is most business like.)” ——摘自巴菲特1984年致股东的信 “若走错了路,再怎么努力冲刺也是白费力气。(Them。S no use running}f you're on the wrong road.)” ——摘自巴菲特1993年致股东的信 “事实上,如果你不能做到你理解和评价企业的能力比市场先生强得多,你就不配玩这个游戏。就像玩桥牌的人所说: ‘如果你玩了三十分钟还不知道谁是傻瓜,那你就是傻瓜’。(Indeed,If you aren’t certain that you understand and can value your business far better than Mr.

    ¥22.70定价:¥33.00 (6.88折)


    张海燕 /2010-01-01 /经济日报出版社
