•  中国创造系列-能源输送的“高速公路”:西气东输(越南)


    西气东输是中国天然气能源传输的大动脉,它承担着协调中国东西部地区发展失衡局面的任务,将西部丰富的天然气资源输送给资源缺少的东部,让中国资源和环境可持续地发展。这是横亘中国东西部的能源通道,它的建设体现了中国的气度和决心,也是中国综合国力的体现。本书带您了解西气东输,走近这条潜伏在地下的“巨龙”如何为中国经济的腾飞点火助推。 The West-East Gas Pipeline is a large artery transporting China's natural gas resources. It undertakes the task of coordinating the unbalanced development between Eastern China and Western China and to the transporting of natural gas resources from the west to the east so as to ensure thesustainable development of resources and of the environment in China. It is an energy corridor stretching from Eastern China to Western China. Its construction not only reflects China's disposition and determination, but also represents China's com

    ¥81.40定价:¥118.00 (6.9折)

    刘晶 /2015-03-01 /五洲传播出版社

  •  中国创造系列-能源输送的“高速公路”:西气东输(俄)


    西气东输是中国天然气能源传输的大动脉,它承担着协调中国东西部地区发展失衡局面的任务,将西部丰富的天然气资源输送给资源缺少的东部,让中国资源和环境可持续地发展。这是横亘中国东西部的能源通道,它的建设体现了中国的气度和决心,也是中国综合国力的体现。本书带您了解西气东输,走近这条潜伏在地下的“巨龙”如何为中国经济的腾飞点火助推。 The West-East Gas Pipeline is a large artery transporting China's natural gas resources. It undertakes the task of coordinating the unbalanced development between Eastern China and Western China and to the transporting of natural gas resources from the west to the east so as to ensure thesustainable development of resources and of the environment in China. It is an energy corridor stretching from Eastern China to Western China. Its construction not only reflects China's disposition and determination, but also represents China's com

    ¥65.50定价:¥118.00 (5.56折)


    刘晶 /2015-03-01 /五洲传播出版社
