•  中国文化概览 刘志红,毛晓霞 著 中国旅游出版社【正版书】

    中国文化概览 刘志红,毛晓霞 著 中国旅游出版社【正版书】 全国三仓发货,物流便捷,下单秒杀,欢迎选购!

    《A survey of the chinese civilization(中国文化概览)(英文版)》建议读者范围:旅游及其相关专业的师生、旅游行业从业人员、导游人员、2008年北京奥运会志愿者、外国游客等,《A survey of the chinese civilization(中国文化概览)(英文版)》也可以作为导游服务培训教材、留学生培训教材、旅游景点和涉外宾馆的对外宣传图书和海外汉语学校用书。 China is opening its door to the whole worldwith China' s entry of WTO, and the succesid for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. More andmore foreigners are willing to know about China. iorder to satisfy their curiosity and tofulfil the wishes of the Chinese volunteers tointroduce Chinese civilizatioto the world, thiook focuses othe Chinese culture iwhichforeigvisitors might feel more interested. Itranges widely from Chinese philosophy, reli-gion, education, Chinese art, Chinese literature,Wushu Martial Arts, traditional Chinese medi-cine, and Chinese Architectur

    ¥7.00定价:¥21.37 (3.28折)


    刘志红,毛晓霞 /2007-05-01 /中国旅游出版社

  •  正版图书 中国文化概览 中国旅游出版社 9787503231636

    正版图书 中国文化概览 中国旅游出版社 9787503231636 正版图书支持发票 七天无理由退货让您购物无忧

    《A survey of the chinese civilization(中国文化概览)(英文版)》建议读者范围:旅游及其相关专业的师生、旅游行业从业人员、导游人员、2008年北京奥运会志愿者、外国游客等,《A survey of the chinese civilization(中国文化概览)(英文版)》也可以作为导游服务培训教材、留学生培训教材、旅游景点和涉外宾馆的对外宣传图书和海外汉语学校用书。 China is opening its door to the whole worldwith China' s entry of WTO, and the succesid for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. More andmore foreigners are willing to know about China. iorder to satisfy their curiosity and tofulfil the wishes of the Chinese volunteers tointroduce Chinese civilizatioto the world, thiook focuses othe Chinese culture iwhichforeigvisitors might feel more interested. Itranges widely from Chinese philosophy, reli-gion, education, Chinese art, Chinese literature,Wushu Martial Arts, traditional Chinese medi-cine, and Chinese Architectur

    ¥18.48定价:¥108.71 (1.7折)


    刘志红,毛晓霞 /2007-05-01 /中国旅游出版社
