•  千年中国话和谐


    ¥29.90定价:¥46.00 (6.5折)


    孙建军谢春涛 /2016-09-01 /吉林文史出版社

  •  中国简史:从孔夫子到邓小平(英文)


    作者简介: Xie Chuntao was born in Linshu County, Shandong Province, in 1963. In 1982 he obtained a bachelor's degree in education from Shandong Normal University, and then a master's degree in law from Zhejiang University and doctorate in law from Beijing's Renmin University of China in1988. He has been teaching and doing research on the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the Party School of the Central Commit-tee of the CPC since 1988, and is now a professor and the Deputy Director of the Teach-ing and Research Department of CPC History. As an executive council member and the Secretary-General of the History Society of the CPC, he also serves as a guest professor and part-time researcher at many institutions of higher learning, including Tianjin's Nankai University.His major works include Turmoil of the Great Leap Forward and A Brief History of the 1959 Mount Lushan Meeting.

    ¥56.20定价:¥78.00 (7.21折)

    谢春涛 主编 /2009-01-01 /新世界出版社
