•  我的明帝笔记


    冷眼回看,往事已风干成了历史标本。身临其境,还你不一样的鲜活历史。 作为汉人的*后一个王朝,明朝的“问题皇帝”和“试图解决问题的皇帝”都很多,也很有代表性。比如无为而治的万历皇帝和励精图治的崇祯皇帝。在历史大困局面前,他们的表现就像一个硬币的两面,只能看到面前的问题却看不到背后的实质,只知怨天尤人不懂悲天悯人, 这样的皇帝往往会沦为历史的奴隶,被绑架着往前走,何谈发现问题、解决问题? 麻辣摇滚编著的《我的明帝笔记》从多方面、新视角,从性格特点或为人处事描述明朝帝王形象,并暗含着深刻的哲理和为君、为人之道。

    ¥24.70定价:¥29.00 (8.52折)


    麻辣摇滚 /2012-01-01 /中国旅游出版社

  •  我的丈夫溥仪中国末代皇帝(英文)


    作者介绍:Wang Qingxiang Wang Qingxiang wasborn in Shenyang in1943 and graduatedfrom the Historical De-partment of Jilin Univer-sity in 1978. He is nowa researcher for the His-torical Research Insti-tute of Jilin ProvincialAcademy of SocialScience, a member ofthe Standing Committee of Changchun Municipal PoliticalConsultative Conference (CMPCC) and Deputy-Director of theCultural and Historical Committee of CMPCC. He is also theVice-President of Changchun Puyi Study Association. As anexpert on the study of Puyi, he is well-known both at home andabroad. He is a member of China Writers' Association and has pub-lished more than forty books about the life of Puyi. Of thesebooks Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Puyi, The Second Half ofPuyi's Life and My Husband Puyi have proved immenselypopular. Some of his works have been translated into English,German, Japanese and Korean. Mr. Wang was the playwrightof the film Fire Dragon, writer of the film The Last Empress,historical consultant of the TV series The Sp

    ¥57.80定价:¥68.00 (8.5折)


    倪娜 /2010-04-01 /中国旅游出版社

  •  我的清帝笔记


    冷眼回看,往事已风干成了历史标本。身临其境,还你不一样的鲜活历史。 在满汉文化从冲突走向融合*终再走向决裂的历史轮回中,清朝的整个一部断代史就是活生生一个起承转合的历史,清朝的皇帝更是有着起承转合的人生。包括权力,也包括个人情感。特别是道光以降,在内忧外患的背景下多悲情皇帝。他们的人生是支离破碎的,屁股下面的龙椅也是摇摇欲坠的。问题层出不穷,情感无所寄托,而囚徒天子光绪,被囚住的不仅是身体,更有自由、思想以及他的爱情。在这些基点上看皇帝,他们玩的不仅仅是权力博弈,也是人生和命运。 麻辣摇滚编著的《我的清帝笔记》从多方面、新视角,从性格特点或为人处事描述清朝帝王形象,并暗含着深刻的哲理和为君、为人之道。

    ¥24.70定价:¥29.00 (8.52折)


    麻辣摇滚 /2012-01-01 /中国旅游出版社
