•  革命品格:建国者何以与众不同?

    革命品格:建国者何以与众不同? 建国 创立 美国 贵族 平民 品格 独特性

    当后人回顾起革命领袖和宪法起草者时,他们不得不为这群人思想的光芒、政治的活力、成就的卓绝而肃然起敬。 The succeeding generations of Americans were unable to look back at the revolutionary leaders and constitution makers without being overawed by the brilliance of their thoughts, the creativity of their politics, and the sheer magnitude of their achievement. 每当回顾他们的历史,敬畏之情夹杂着强烈的失落感向我们袭来。这一信念与权力的交织、理性与政治的融合稍纵即逝,再也不可能重现美国了。 The awe that most of us feel when we look back at them is thus mingled with an acute sense of loss. Somehow for a brief moment ideas and power, intellectualism and politics, came together indeed were one with each other in a way never again duplicated in American history. 他们的品格并非我们今天所理解的那种暗藏矛盾与缺陷的内在化的精神;相反,他们认为品格是一种外

    ¥45.50定价:¥65.00 (7折)

    [美]戈登?伍德周顺 /2018-09-01 /上海人民出版社
