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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese... Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese...Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese... Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese... Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese... Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese...Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese... Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    (英)罗素 /2011-05-01 /中央编译出版社

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    To Begin with, it is clearthat China must be saved by her own efforts, and cannot rely uponoutside help. In the international situation, China has hadbothgood and bad fortune. The Great War was unfortunate, because itgave Japantemporarily a free hand; the collapse of Tsarist Russiawas fortunate, because itput an end to the secret alliance ofRussians and Japanese...Out of the renaissance spirit now existingin China, it is possible, if foreignnations can be prevented fromworking havoc, to develop a new civilization betterthan any thatthe world has yet known. This is the aim which Young Chinashouldset before itself: the preservation of the urbanity andcourtesy, the candour andthe pacific temper, which arecharacteristic of the Chinese nation, together witha knowledge ofWestern science and an application of it to the practicalproblemsof China.

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    罗素(BertrandRussell,872-970),英国数学家、百科全书式思想家。也是本世纪西方影响大的学者和社会活动家之一。罗素曾访问,会见列宁 受梁启超邀请,他于920-92年间到中国讲学9个月,与中国的知识分子和各界人士广泛接触,推进了中国的新文化运动,“罗素热”全国。他一生著述七八十种,其大部分作品都能把理论的深刻性和表达的通俗性结合起来,其流畅清新的散文享誉甚高,950年被授予诺贝尔文学奖。罗素相信 不幸在很大程度上应该归因于一种错误的世界观 而幸福是人的一种权利,是人们应该追求的东西。在《幸福之路》中,罗索把一些经由他自己的经验和观察证实过的通情达理的意见娓娓地归纳出来,制出一张献给读者的方子,希望无数感到郁闷的男男女女,能够在此找到他们的病案,能够凭着适当的努力变得幸福。

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