•  英语笔译实务(二级) 卢敏 外文出版社 9787119108629

    英语笔译实务(二级) 卢敏 外文出版社 9787119108629

    《全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语笔译二级考试大纲(试行)》有关笔译实务考试的目的和要求明确指出: “考生需具备双语互译的基本技巧和能力, 能够运用一般的翻译策略和技巧进行双语互译, 且译文通顺、用词准确,无明显语法错误、错译和漏译。”本指定教材正是根据国家人力资源和社会保障部《全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试暂行规定》的精神,依据《全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语笔译二级考试大纲(试行)》的要求编写的,力求在提高考生快速、正确进行双语互译,培养考生翻译技巧和能力等方面给予考生尽可能多的、有效的指导和启发。本指定教材由全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会委员卢敏编写,是参加英语笔译二级考试的用书。

    ¥27.36定价:¥48.00 (5.7折)



    卢敏 /2017-07-01 /外文出版社

  •  我的父亲邓小平--战争年代 My Father Deng Xiaoping--The War Tear

    我的父亲邓小平--战争年代 My Father Deng Xiaoping--The War Tear

    作者简介: Deng Rong,nicknamed Maomao,was born in Southwest China's Chongqing City,the fourth child of Deng Xiaoping. After graduation from Girls Middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,she went to live and work for three years in a village on the loess plateau in the northern part of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province. Later,she graduated from Beijing Medical College (today's Medical School of Peking University). In the early 1980s,she worked for four years first as attache and then third secretary in the Consulate Section of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC. Returning home,she worked in the Research Office of the General Office of the National People's Congress. Appointed deputy director of the office,she engaged in research into China's legislation and legislative systems. She was a deputy to the Eighth National People's Congress and an executive member of the Sixth Congress of the All-China Women's Federation. She is now vice-chairman of the

    ¥96.60定价:¥140.00 (6.9折)

    邓榕|译者:卢敏 /2009-04-01 /外文出版社
