•  天工开物(汉日对照)


    ¥136.00定价:¥160.00 (8.5折)


    宋应星 /2016-12-01 /外文出版社

  •  雅鲁藏布大峡谷——最后的密境


    作者简介 Zhang Jimin, born in Tieling County, Liaoning Province in 1947,graduated from the History Department of Peking University. He is now a senior correspondent with the Xinhua News Agency, a member of the China National Humanand Biology Circle Committee, and a standing councilor of the China Association of Scientific Exploration. In early 1994, he urged specialists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to find evidence to prove that the Yarlung Tsangpo Great Canyon was the biggest canyon in the world. Thus, he turned out to be one of the discoverers of thebiggest canyon in the world. Based on firsthand materials collected from numerous scientificexplorations, he has published about a dozen monographs including Random Notes of an Explorer ,Risking the Arctic Pole, Into the Grandest Canyon of the World ,and Adventures in the Borderland.

    ¥48.80定价:¥78.00 (6.26折)


    张继民 /2006-01-01 /外文出版社
