•  中国创造系列-梦圆太空:中国的航天之路(英)


    探索外层空间是人类不懈的追求,自从1961年人类开启走向太空的征程开始,探索的脚步就从未停止过。中国探索太空的梦想也是如此,中国人从未停止过对太空的畅想与探索,本书呈现了中国航天事业的发展历史和现状,涵盖的内容全面翔实,突出重点事件和人物,点面结合,图文并茂。一册在手,尽览中国航天在困境中奋起的历程、庞杂而精密的组成体系、恢宏壮阔的发展前景等内容。 Theexploration of outer space has long been the subject of relentlesspursuit by mankind, a pursuit which has not stopped since mankind started its journey to space in 1961. Chinese people have also never given on their dream of space exploration or stopped imagining and exploring space. This book presents the development history and the current standing of China’s aerospace cause using both illustrationsand pictures and in a manner of combining both the general overview and a detailedde*ion of key e

    ¥49.00定价:¥98.00 (5折)


    徐菁 /2015-03-01 /五洲传播出版社
