•  地图上的中国:万里长城(英)

    地图上的中国:万里长城(英) 中华文明持续修建2000多年,终使长城横跨整个中国北方,守护数以亿计的黎民百姓。

    如果说欧洲大地上星罗棋布的城堡代表了中世纪浪漫、高贵、忠贞不渝的骑士情怀,那么遥远东方的万里长城则体现了中华民族维护统一、坚韧不屈的民族精神。两者都经历了千年岁月的侵蚀,时至今日,大部分遗迹早已经伤痕累累。这两种军事建筑相隔万里,其防御功能、建筑特色乃至人文传承各有千秋。与前者仅掌控方圆数十公里封建领地的防御范围不同,后者翻山渡河绵延万里,将古代中国的整个北方边境完全环抱起来,形成一条从东海到亚洲腹地的链式防线。If castles scattered on the European continent represent the romantic, noble, and loyal chivalry in the Middle Ages, the Great Wall in the remote east reflects the pursuit of unity and the unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation. After erosion for thousands of years, both have been scarred in most parts. Far apart from each other, the two kinds of military constructions have different defensive f

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    刘晓涛魏敏 /2022-08-01 /五洲传播出版社
