•  “家园”系列摄影集:俄罗斯(汉英)


    俄罗斯有一句古老的谚语: 同一驾雪橇上坐的,既有痛苦,也有欢乐。 王瑶的影像所记录的,正是如此。转型的阵痛,广泛地呈现在俄罗斯社会生活中,街头的乞讨,白领的无奈,一种失落的抑郁发散在社会底层。然而,俄罗斯不会颓废,不会沉沦。王瑶用一幅影像传导了这个信念:在电网缆索交错中,一个雕塑高扬着右臂,紧握着剑柄,昂首向前。这就是今日俄罗斯。 As an ancient proverb in Russia goes, On the same sleigh, there are both pains and joys. That s exactly whatWang Yao s images have recorded. The labor of transformation is pervasive in social life. Beggars in streets, frustration of white collars, there is a sense of alienation and depression spread in the low social strata. However, Russia will not become degenerated, nor will it be degraded. With one image, Wang Yao conveyed this message: Amid interwoven wires of the power grid, a statue of a man wields his right arm hi

    ¥194.00定价:¥198.00 (9.8折)


    王瑶 /2017-04-01 /五洲传播出版社

  •  市井中国:20世纪末街巷里的流年影像(英)


    著名摄影家 肖全、胡武功、陈楠NanC影像评论家 那日松、李媚、陈小波倾情推荐著名摄影家肖全说: 我才只看了几张照片就来电了!

    ¥96.00定价:¥98.00 (9.8折)


    陈锦 /2017-09-01 /五洲传播出版社
