•  The Google story(谷歌的故事)

    The Google story(谷歌的故事)

    作者简介: David A. Vise has had unique access to the founders of Google and has reported on the company since its early days. He is a Pulitzer-Prize winning reporter for The Washington Post. He has written several books including New York Times Bestseller “The Bureau and The Mole: The Unmasking of Robert Philip Hanssen, The Most Dangerous Double Agent in FBI History.” He has also received the Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism. David is based in Washington.


    DAVID A.VISE /2006-09-01 /经济日报

  •  Of Merchants Heroes商人与英雄

    Of Merchants Heroes商人与英雄


    本社 编 /经济日报
