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    李伟 /2014-05-01 /中央编译出版社



    作者简介:Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia and died in 1970 after a long and successful career as consultant to business leaders, lecturer and author. Think and Grow Rich is the all-time bestseller in its field whose success made Hill a millionaire in his own right. Hill established the Napoleon Hill foundation, a non-profit educational institution whose mission is to promote his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation and individual achievement. Dr. Arthur R. Pell is a distinguished American scholar who has published over 50 books on management, career planning and human relations.



    Napoleon Hill /2004-10-01 /中央编译出版社

  •  Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality and an Uncertain

    Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality and an Uncertain

    “Stephen Green is in a universe of one: the only chairman of a major international bank who is also an ordained minister of the Church of England. . . . At a time when bankers are being pilloried for bringing about a global economic meltdown, this is an unusual and thoughtful disquisition on how to conduct oneself in a world of high finance and ambition, in, as he puts it, the global bazaar.” —The Wall Street Journal “Engaging and convincing . . . The shade of Marcus Aurelius permeates these meditations on money . . . Green is deeply acquainted with poetry, philosophy, history, and economic theory past and present.” —The Times (London) “Eloquent . . . Inspiring . . . Green strides fluently between T. S. Eliot and Karl Marx, Goethe and Camus, Adam Smith and the Prophet Isaiah. . . . The journey he takes us on offers stimulating intellectual scenery at every turn.” —The Independent “A striking personal insight into money and morality by someone on the inside. Green asks how


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