•  陈氏太三极十六式单剑


    “陈氏太极三十六势单剑”,是太极拳套路占用短器械的一种。此剑法结合陈氏太极拳的身法、步法、窜、蹦、跳跃等,运用陈氏太极的螺旋缠丝劲,劲达腕关节,从而用手腕来控制剑的形状,把剑法的崩、挂、撩、劈、刺、点、托、架、扫、化等运用出来。此套剑法沉稳、轻快、飘洒、自然、演练时要以意导气、以气运身、劲贯剑身、人剑合一,方能体现出这套剑法的精华和奥妙。 Thirty-six Forms of Chen Famnily Taiji Sword is one of the short weapons of Taiji.lt is slow, gentle,delicate, containing both firmncss and gentleness requiring flexibility when you play it.lt is gentle and natural, and also reflects both male and female characteristics.Finally, the sword is like a flowing dragon creating unity between body and sword.

    ¥24.70定价:¥38.00 (6.5折)


    陈自强 /2009-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  56式陈氏太极拳


    《陈式56式太极拳》是国家武术运动管理中心组织创编的综合型竞赛套路。它以陈式传统太极拳为基础,同时吸取了陈式新架、老架中的特色动作与经典组合,从而形成舒展圆活,内容充实、气势奔放的拳路风格。它动作古朴,技法独到,刚柔相济,编排流畅。此拳观之优美,练之实用,是陈式太极一门中*经典的拳术套路之一。 本书采用图文加影视的立体教学手段,并选择当今**水平的全国太极拳冠军、流派传人以及武术专家进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。56式太极拳录影(DVD)及图片示范,由全国太极拳冠军候雯女士表演。 Chenshi Taijiquan with 56 postures is created on the basis of the traditional Chenshi taiji and is paticularly worked out for competitions.It is one of the classical skills in Chenshi taiji which is both graceful and practical.It is shown and presented by the national champ

    ¥27.30定价:¥36.40 (7.5折)


    高秀明 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极梢棍


    《陈氏太极梢棍》“梢”产生于农间,此器物用于收豆子等农作物,后来衍变为器械。此物分两种:一个为梢杆;另一个为梢棍。世间万物分阴阳,此物也分大小,杆者为大,棍者为小。此套路也是由陈氏太极套路功法与梢中的劈、压、缠、绞等梢法和梢舞花相互结合组成,具有长兵短用及软器械之用法。“Shao stick" is derived from an agricuttural tool.lt was uscd to harvcst bcans and othcr harvcstcd rood but was gradually incorporated into the Taiji weapons syllabus.“Shao" can bc dividcd into two kinds: onc is“Shao Pole" , the other is “Shao Stick" .As there is male and female for everything in this world the division bctwecn largc polc and small onc js dcsigncd to rcllcct the masculinc and fcmininc elements or naturc.lt contains the moves of chopping, pressing, circling,hanging and pole flower with the function oflong weapon used as short one and soft weapons.

    ¥26.20定价:¥35.00 (7.49折)


    陈自强 /2009-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  易筋经


    道家易筋经是集道家养生术之大成的修行健身功法,起源于古代道家方士的导引术。在宋代所撰的道教类书中已有易髓、易筋的说法。 道家易筋经通过吐纳导引采气按摩静坐站桩等功法,对人体进行全面的静养和锻炼,以达到“洗髓易筋”的效果。道家易筋经的特点是融合了道家武学的筋骨训练方法,以养生为体,技击为用,内外兼顾,故可称为武学宝典。 Yijin Jing of Taoism is the health Qigong according to the Taoist technique of keeping fit. The Chinese character of Yi means changing , altering or varying. By certain exercising methods of breathing, massaging, sitting still and standing on pillars, this health Qigong produces splendid wonders of cultivating both body and soul in a comprehensive and all-sided way. Furthe-rmore, it's effective to practice not only the internal essence of jing-qi-shen or spirit and soul, but also the external essence of bone, muscle and skin.

    ¥20.40定价:¥27.30 (7.48折)


    吴晟 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  32式陈氏太极拳呼吸配合法


    《32式太极拳呼吸配合法》是一种与众不同的太极拳术,它主要讲解动作如何配合呼吸的练习方法,以及太极拳练习中的意念导引方法,是太极运动中高级训练教程。 呼吸配合和意念导引是太极拳具有神奇健身功效的关键所在,本书详细介绍每一个动作的呼吸方法、呼吸要领合呼吸规律,它将带领您进入真正的太极练习境界并会收到意想不到的健身效果。这套拳法中正自然,舒展大方,均匀连贯的特点,同时也规范了一些不同练法,此拳术是经过国家武术权威机构审定的普及推广套路。 本书采用图文加影视的立体教学手段,并选择当今**水平的全国太极拳冠军、流派传人以及武术专家进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。32式太极拳录影(DVD)示范,由国际级武术裁判毛景广先生主讲,图片示范:由全国太极拳冠军 候雯女士表演。 32 Postu

    ¥23.40定价:¥31.30 (7.48折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林春秋大刀


    少林春秋大刀是以少林春秋大刀(又名少林马上刀)为基础,吸取其主要风格特点和刀法创编而成。全套共32式,分为四段,内容丰富,动作朴实规范,结构严谨,布局合理,路线流畅,招势威猛,刀法多变。其主要刀法有劈、斩、撩、挂、抹、挑、云、推等,并与少林拳的各种身法、步法密切配合,整个套路体现出动作舒展、快速迅猛、气势磅礴的风格特点。其动作数量、组别和时间都符合竞赛规则的要求,适合有一定基础的运动员练习和比赛,它代表了目前少林大刀的较高水平。 Shaolin Spring-Autumn Broadsword was created by absorbing the main style and broadswordplays of the Shaolin Mashang Broadsword. The compulsory contains 32 forms and is divided into four segments. It is famous for its abundant content, normaltive movement, compact structure, rational layout and fluent route. It is powerful and various in broadswordplays. The whole complulsory

    ¥18.20定价:¥28.00 (6.5折)


    高秀明 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林炮拳


    少林炮拳是少林武术中的核心套路,其动作特点鲜明、风格突出,是少林寺秘不外传的精华套路。 少林炮拳技击含义深刻,神秘莫测,一波三折,环环相扣,刚中带柔,柔里含刚。此拳起源少林寺,一直被视为镇寺之宝。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演 Shaolin Pao Quan is the key routine of Shaolin Wushu, which is created by Fuju master, the Buddhist abbot of Shaolin Temple. Pao Quan is characterized of clear movements and prominent style, so it is the most representative of Shaolin Wushu. Shaolin Pao Quan has the features of attack and defense artillery profound, mysterious, full of twists and turns, gentle in hard. So it has been regarded as the treasures of Shaolin Temple. If regular practice regularly, you will be healthy, stronger and swift, stabilizing feet, sharpening eyes. The book adopts the three-dimensional teaching method, comb

    ¥18.70定价:¥28.90 (6.48折)


    凌长鸣 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  小秦枪


    小秦枪是陕西红拳中长兵器的代表套路,它集内外家之长,具有浓郁的西北民风。这套枪法架势端庄、身法灵活、力点准确、动作简洁明快。基本枪法以拦、拿、扎为主,在各种身法、步法的配合下又以红拳枪八法中的“封、闭、提、拿、撸、提、缠、环”等技法贯穿其中。此套枪法集实用与观赏为一体,是一套不可多得的中国民间经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此枪法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Xiao Qin Qiang is a representative routine of Shan Xi Hong Quan weapon family, which contains the strong flavour of traditional customs of the Northwest. The basic spear techniques with the coordination of block, hold, stick, are all coordinated with the technique of close, lift, wind, strip, shut and so on of Hong Boxing. With the features of decorous attitude, flexible mo

    ¥17.60定价:¥23.50 (7.49折)


    李惠 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  四把锤


    红拳经历代宗师研练改进,不但姿势工美,身步灵活,节奏明快,而且突出了技击性。本套四把锤突出了红拳以柔为主、柔中带刚、轻灵敏捷、掌法多变、注重技击、步法灵活的特点。主要步型有马步、弓步、虚步、丁步、仆步、插步、退步、并步、盖步等;腿法有劈腿、提腿、蹬腿、踢腿、里合腿等;其手法变化多端,且象形手法在此套路中的运用出神入化,不拘于死手;身法突出表现为:轻、软、灵、闪、展、吞吐等。是一套不可多得的中国民间经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 After the development and study of generations to generations, Hong Quan is characterized of neat, swift and nimble, various palms skill, highlighting the attack skill. Si Ba Chui of Hong Quan fully embody the features

    ¥14.10定价:¥20.50 (6.88折)


    李惠 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极功法演示


    《陈式太极功法演示》主要是让初学者对太极功法有一个初步的了解,同时提高太极拳中呼与吸的认识,加强对拳理拳法的理解,另外,这套功法只是太极功法中**层的展现。层次越高,其外形反而不显。也就是说“有意不露其形”。 The Demonstration of Chen Famiiy Taiji is mainly to make the nexv learner have the clcmentarv knowledge of Taiji.lt is also to increase the fecling of exhaling and inhaling.Also this set of Taiji is the most fundamentai demonstration of Taiji qigong.The hiuher the standard iS, the less itwould shovr.This means“not showing offon purpose”.

    ¥23.20定价:¥31.00 (7.49折)


    陈自强 /2009-06-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极梨花枪夹白猿棍


    ¥35.10定价:¥46.80 (7.5折)


    陈自强 /2009-06-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极球


    陈氏太极球是一种新型的现代产物,它主要是用来锻炼底盘、手指、手腕、大小臂及腰、腿之力,对练习陈氏太极拳套路有一定的帮助。另外,对帮助练习者理解太极拳理解拳法也起到了抛砖引玉的作用。 As a new-type modern offspring, Ball of Chen Family Taiji ls used to exercise forces from feei, fingers, wrists, rear arms and forea14ms, waists and 1egs and is helpful to practise Chen family Tai.jiquan to some extent.Besides, “plays a role of “casting a brick to attract the jade" in assisting practicers to understand the theories and movements of Chen family Taijiquan.

    ¥23.20定价:¥31.00 (7.49折)


    陈自强 /2009-06-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极球

    陈氏太极球 【正品保证,进入店铺更多优惠!】

    ¥41.80定价:¥98.60 (4.24折)


    2009-06-01 /海燕出版社

  •  道家玄音手印功

    道家玄音手印功 【正品保证,进入店铺更多优惠!】

    ¥99.00定价:¥213.00 (4.65折)


    吴晟 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  武当三丰太极剑


    武当剑源于明代,由著名道人张三丰创立。武当剑法吸收了道教文化思想,具有练精化气、练气化神、练神还虚、还虚合道的道教气功功法,又有强身健体、防身自卫、延年益寿的功用,是集武术与养身为一体的剑法。 此套武当三丰太极剑,演练时行如蛟龙出水,静若灵猫捕鼠,运动之中,手分阴阳,身藏八卦,步踏九宫,内合其气,外合其形,是武当剑中的佼佼者,自古为武当山的镇山之宝、秘传之法。This routine was created by the famous Taoist Master, Zhang Sanfeng in the Ming Dynasty, which assimilate the culture of Taoist, so it has the following functions: refine vital energy, practice mind, promote physical health, self-defense, prolong the longevity. Wudang Taiji Sword of this routine has a set of 52 forms, when training, as the dragon jumps out of the water, when static, as cats wait for catching a mouse. According to the theory of the balance of Yin and

    ¥19.30定价:¥25.80 (7.49折)


    李素玲 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  长穗双剑


    《长穗双剑》双剑是剑术运动形式的一种,泛指左右手各持一剑进行演练的剑术套路。双剑又可分为短穗双剑和长穗双剑两种:短穗双剑突出剑法的迅速连贯和变化多端,长穗双剑突出双穗随剑抡舞摆动、剑随穗走、剑与穗浑然一体,具有剑势连贯,动静疾徐,刚柔相济,动作舒展:造型优关,布局合理,气贯长虹。演练起来以意领穗、轻灵柔和的独特风格长穗双剑的演练要求左右协调配合,既不可散乱无章。又不能叠合碰撞。主要剑法:以立圆穿挂牙。腕花、平圆上云剑为主,并有撩、劈、刺、架等剑法。长穗双剑的艺术性,给人以美的享受。具有极高的健身价值和观赏价值 Double swords are divided into Short Tassel Swords and Long Tassel Swords. The feature of Short Tassel Swordplay: rapid, coherent and dynamic. The feature of Long Tassel Swordplay: the tassel swinging and dancing with the waving sword, the sword swayin

    ¥16.20定价:¥25.00 (6.48折)


    李素玲 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  关中红拳


    《关中红拳》本套燕青掌动作刚柔并重,以柔为主,柔中带刚。轻灵敏捷,步法灵活,手法变化多端,有抓、插、挂、推、挑、刁、勾、劈、立、搂、挎、抹、拿、按、迎面掌等。身法突出表现为:挤、扛、抖、伸、晃、缩、撞、坐、轻、软、灵、闪、展、吞吐等。要求背、肩、腰、肘、膝等各部位都要高度协调.不用拙力,不讲硬托硬架,注重乘人之势。借人之力,蓄力待发,站如泰山落地:动则闪电之疾,充分表现出了该拳种的风格特点。 The routine highlights that hardness and gentleness should be in harmony. but mainly is gentle.swift and nimble. Hands skills: catch, thrust, parry,push, pick, hook, smash, stand, grasp, carry, hold, press. Body skills: squeeze, push, shake, stretch,wobble, contract, bump, sit, light, soft, avoid, spread and so on, all parts of body should be well cooperated.Do not use force awkwardly, but take advantage of the force of the oppo

    ¥14.30定价:¥22.00 (6.5折)


    李惠 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  红拳燕青六趟


    燕青拳又称迷踪拳或秘宗拳,属长拳类拳法,但又具有内家拳的特点,各地流行的燕青拳各具特色。此套红拳燕青六趟动作轻灵圆和,架势端正,招法灵活,快慢相间;发力刚柔相济,步稳如落地生根,架势似泰山矗立。这套拳法尤重技击,故易学难练,下盘功夫要求极严,所以在练习中要求外练手、眼、身、法、步,内练精、气、神、力、劲。讲究手与足合、肩与胯合,手随身转、步随身行,身似蛇行、眼随手动,以意领气、以气催力,意到气到、气到力到、眼到手到。本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。Yan Qing Quan is also called Mizong Quan, which is classified as Chang Quan, but it has some features of inner Quan. Yan Qing Quan has the special features in the different areas, but is consistent general

    ¥18.70定价:¥25.00 (7.48折)


    魏真 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社
