•  陈氏太极单刀


    陈氏太极单刀,是太极器械中的一种短兵器。此套路短小精悍,却有短兵长用法。演练时,势势用法逼真,多以“缠头裹脑”动作为主,加上劈、砍、挂、撩、滚、闭、扎、拦、截、抖、架、抹、挑等十三种法,方法结合陈氏太极拳的步型、步法、腿法、跳跃、翻转等运动方法,使此套路美观大方,雄健有力。 Single broad sword of Chen-style Taiji is one of the short weapons of Taiji. It is short but full of essence, though short you can use it in many ways. The moves are vivid and are mainly splitting, chopping, lifting and stabbing. The steps contain a spiraling, sweeping quality interspersed with jumping and turning. The single broad sword of Chen-style Taiji is delicate and strong, the metaphorical idea being that one is “playing the sword like a tiger”. Since there are thirteen ways to play the broad sword, it is also called “thirteen forms knife”.

    ¥20.80定价:¥32.00 (6.5折)


    陈自强 /2008-12-02 /海燕出版社

  •  陈式太极拳小架二路


    陈氏太极拳小架二路,亦称炮捶。二路拳以刚为主,刚中寓柔。练习时,震脚弹抖,完整一气。学习小架二路拳,应在练习好陈氏太极拳小架一路的基础上,突破去僵求柔的阶段,达到周身相随,全身一动无有不动,内外结合,放松沉稳,劲力完整,呼吸与动作协调一致,此时习练二路拳方能免出偏差。否则没有松弹劲,练拳时就会僵硬一条,上重下浮,横气填胸,心跳过速,呼吸发喘,嘴发青,脸发白,对健身和练功均为不利,学者务必注意。 Chen-style Taiji Quan not only is one of the excellent Quan, but also is the exotic flower of the splendid national culture. It is loved deeply more and more by the word people for the following features:the theory of the extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. the special style, the superb combat skill.the outstanding health efficacy. In practice, it is stressed that the moving from the big circle to small circle,

    ¥21.10定价:¥32.50 (6.5折)


    李素玲 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极二十四枪


    陈氏太极二十四枪,以太极功法与枪的拦、拿、扎有机地结合,套路虽然短小,但不失枪法之精要。对初学者来说,简单易学,同时还能对太极枪的特点和用法有一个初步的认识,对学习和掌握梨花枪起到重要作用。 The set of Chen-style Taiji twenty-four spears is the perfect combination of Taiji fist and the move-ments of spear such as blocking, holding and stabbing and so on. It is short but full of essence. It is suitable for beginners and it can help you to master the basic skills of Taiji spear.

    ¥22.10定价:¥34.00 (6.5折)


    陈自强 /2008-12-02 /海燕出版社

  •  陈式太极拳十九势


    陈氏太极拳十九势,是陈氏第十九世太极拳掌门人陈小旺大师结合老架、新架、小架于一身所创的陈氏简化太极套路之一。 为了让更多的人了解陈氏太极拳,更好地弘扬陈氏太极拳,陈小旺大师创编了这套陈氏太极拳十九势,此套拳路短小精辟,又不失陈氏太极拳的风格特点。简单易学,是初学者的良师益友。 The nineteen postures of Chen-style Taijiquan, was created by the 19th generation master of Chen-style Taijiquan, Chen xiaowang, who has combined the old set Laojia, the new set Xiaojia and the small set Xiaojia, and then simplified them into this one set. To make more and more people understand Chen-style Taijiquan, and to carry out Taiji culture, Master Chen created and composed the set of nineteen postures of Taiji movements, which is short and full of essence, but still holds the characteristics of Chen-style Taijiquan. It's easy to learn and suitable for new learners.

    ¥22.70定价:¥35.00 (6.49折)


    陈自强 /2008-08-02 /海燕出版社

  •  杨式103式太极拳


    ¥26.00定价:¥40.00 (6.5折)


    李素玲 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太极双刀


    “陈氏太极双刀”是陈氏太极套路中双器械的一种,几百年来在陈家沟广为流传。此套路布局合理、刀法清晰,以劈、砍、撩、挂、扎等刀法及刀舞花为主,同时结合了陈氏太极拳手、眼、身法、步,再运用太极的独有劲力,练起来威武有力,协调一致。练好双刀的基本要求:两刀不论从里往外,从上到下,从前到后,从左到右都要经过后脑缠绕而过,方可发力;再加上套路拳术中的要求,所以想练好双刀实属不易;想体现出刀如流水、步法如飞,双刀交叉而不乱,双刀先后缠头裹脑快速发力,达到快而不乱、慢而不散的境界,更是难上加难。 The movements are arranged such that every movement is distinctive. The moves are mainly chopping, pitting, hanging, stabbing and knife dancing combining the moves of fists, eyes, and side-steps to swerve and evade attack in addition to the distinct firmness of motion that defines Taiji. The two

    ¥26.90定价:¥41.50 (6.49折)


    陈自强 /2009-06-01 /海燕出版社
