•  初级南棍


    《初级南棍》南棍是南拳拳系中长器械之一。也是南派武术中流传甚广的一种器械。初级南棍是中国武术的入门套路,共有16个动作,是晋升中国武术段位级别的标准考评套路。主要棍法有劈棍、扫棍、刺棍、挑棍、抱棍、弹棍、拨棍等。此套—路具有兼枪带棒、刚劲有力、把法多变、长短兼施的典型特点,步法稳健沉实。节奏明快干脆,发动饱满刚烈。本教材讲解清晰,简单易学。是初学者的理想教材。 As the traditional technique of martial arts of Southern School,“Elementary Cudgel of Southern School is one of the most popular among Southern School. It is the very routine for beginners. All together with l 6 movements, it is officially appointed as the Standard Routine of Level-promotion in the National Wushu Confest.“Elementary Cudgel of Southern School" is featured by such techniques as cut, pierce, hold, push, sweep, and point skill. And it is characterized by its va

    ¥15.90定价:¥21.30 (7.47折)


    凌长鸣 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  青龙拳


    青龙拳系劈挂拳系列套路之一。清道光年间河北沧州出现了两支劈挂拳,一支是南皮郭大发所传的劈挂拳快套、挂拳、炮锤,另一支是盐山左宝梅所传的劈挂拳慢套、青龙拳。两支劈挂拳的共同特点都是大劈大挂,两臂滚劈密如雨。1927年,筹备中央国术馆的时候,郭长生(人称郭燕子)把南皮劈挂拳带到了中央国术馆,马英图把盐山劈挂拳带到中央国术馆,两位前辈一见如故,共同把长期分离的两支劈挂拳合而为一,并且进行了研究改进。现在演练的这几个套路都是二位在中央国术馆任教期间编整的。 Qing Long Quan is traditional a routine of Pigua Quan series. There are two branches of the Pigua Quan in the middle of the Qing dynasty. One is developed into Quick routine Gua Quan, Pao hammer of Pigua Quan, which is represented by Guo Dafa, in Nan Pi country, the other is represented by Zuo Baomei, in YanShan county, who developed into Slow routine

    ¥16.70定价:¥25.80 (6.48折)


    王志海 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林春秋大刀


    少林春秋大刀是以少林春秋大刀(又名少林马上刀)为基础,吸取其主要风格特点和刀法创编而成。全套共32式,分为四段,内容丰富,动作朴实规范,结构严谨,布局合理,路线流畅,招势威猛,刀法多变。其主要刀法有劈、斩、撩、挂、抹、挑、云、推等,并与少林拳的各种身法、步法密切配合,整个套路体现出动作舒展、快速迅猛、气势磅礴的风格特点。其动作数量、组别和时间都符合竞赛规则的要求,适合有一定基础的运动员练习和比赛,它代表了目前少林大刀的较高水平。 Shaolin Spring-Autumn Broadsword was created by absorbing the main style and broadswordplays of the Shaolin Mashang Broadsword. The compulsory contains 32 forms and is divided into four segments. It is famous for its abundant content, normaltive movement, compact structure, rational layout and fluent route. It is powerful and various in broadswordplays. The whole complulsory

    ¥18.20定价:¥28.00 (6.5折)


    高秀明 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  中国拳——千秋文化之旅


    ¥3.50定价:¥7.10 (4.93折)


    陆草 /1999-09-01 /海燕出版社

  •  护手双钩


    护手双钩是中国*古老的兵器之一,它有刃、有尖、有月牙,属于多刃兵器。双钩的用法多样,易攻难防,威力无比,其独特的方法有搂、砍、刺、带、推、拉、钩、锁等。由于护手和底尖都是钩的杀伤部位,此兵器的演练要求配合起伏吞吐的身法以充分发挥钩的多刃作用,故有“钩走浪式,波涛汹涌”的艺术效果。此套钩法集实用与观赏为一体,是中国民间武术的经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此钩法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 “Double hooks”is one of the most age-old we-apons of China. It belongs to multi-blade weapons with its blade, peak and loop. For its various usages, it is easy to attack and difficult to be defended with its unique might. The particular skills of“Double hooks”are cuddle, chop, stab, lead, push, pull, hook and loc

    ¥17.20定价:¥26.50 (6.5折)


    李素玲 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  长穗双剑


    《长穗双剑》双剑是剑术运动形式的一种,泛指左右手各持一剑进行演练的剑术套路。双剑又可分为短穗双剑和长穗双剑两种:短穗双剑突出剑法的迅速连贯和变化多端,长穗双剑突出双穗随剑抡舞摆动、剑随穗走、剑与穗浑然一体,具有剑势连贯,动静疾徐,刚柔相济,动作舒展:造型优关,布局合理,气贯长虹。演练起来以意领穗、轻灵柔和的独特风格长穗双剑的演练要求左右协调配合,既不可散乱无章。又不能叠合碰撞。主要剑法:以立圆穿挂牙。腕花、平圆上云剑为主,并有撩、劈、刺、架等剑法。长穗双剑的艺术性,给人以美的享受。具有极高的健身价值和观赏价值 Double swords are divided into Short Tassel Swords and Long Tassel Swords. The feature of Short Tassel Swordplay: rapid, coherent and dynamic. The feature of Long Tassel Swordplay: the tassel swinging and dancing with the waving sword, the sword swayin

    ¥16.20定价:¥25.00 (6.48折)


    李素玲 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林长护心意门拳


    少林长护心意门拳是少林武术的经典拳法之一。它的**特点是注重技击、立足实战,并且内容丰富,招法多样,是少林拳中动作数量*多的一个套路。 此拳讲究动静结合、阴阳平衡、刚健有力、勇猛快速,“拳打一气连,兵战杀气勇”。要求内提外随,起横落竖,“行如猫、抖如虎、动如闪电、声如雷鸣”,进退有方,一气呵成。另外,此拳手法特点突出,与众不同,讲究“回手带钩”,“身以滚而进,手以滚而出”,身手相随,出神入化。演练时以硬攻直进为上乘,朴实无华,不讲花架子,但招招非打即防。实战出招时,不仅要打中对方,而且还要有防己受犯的作用,做到攻防兼备,是少林寺秘不外传的保留拳术。The protecting Heart Quan of Shaolin is one of the classic routine of Shaolin school, which is characterized by the various skills of attack and defense, based on actual combat, and rich in con

    ¥23.80定价:¥31.80 (7.49折)


    高秀明 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  劈挂拳


    劈挂拳是一种以猛劈硬挂为主,长击快打,兼容短手的拳术。其历史悠久,在明代中期,就流行于民间。爱国将领戚继光在《纪效新书》中,对劈挂拳就有精辟的论述:“活足朝天而其柔也”,这是指披挂拳腿法灵活,是对该拳“提膝护胸,伸足朝天,左右抹面(十字披红)”等腿法地妙用之赞誉。 其特点为动作舒展,洒落矫健,疾速多变;大开大合,起落站伏,蜿蜒蛇行;刚柔相济,以长为主,兼有短打;劈挂拳腿法灵活,提膝护胸,架子舒展大方。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Pigua Quan is a hard smash Chinese Boxing which is mainly linked to long-hit and short hands. It has a long history and has been popular in folk since Ming dynasty. The famous patriotic general Qi Jiguang once spoke hig

    ¥19.80定价:¥26.50 (7.48折)


    王华锋 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林齐眉棍


    少林齐眉棍是少林派武术中的主要兵器之一,自十三棍僧救唐王之后,少林棍法名扬天下。这套齐眉棍动作整洁,招式清楚,长使短用,把法突出,不攻即防,朴实无华。技击含义显而易见。 本片由少林寺武僧总教练释果松师傅主讲并演练。 Shaolin Cudgel Level with Eyebrow is one of the important weapons in Shaolin martial arts. It was known throughout China since the thirteen cudgel monks saved the emperor-Tang Wang in the Tang dynasty. Lt is movements are clear and natty, with each step plain and clear, The cudgel can be either long or short, with its typical technique. It is used either to attack the opponent or to guard oneself. It is simple and unadorned. And the attacking tendency is quite easy to be seen. This book adopts the three-dimensional teaching method of diagram, words and video. The authoritative are invited for technical performance and teaching demonstrations, guaranteeing the learners to gain the real tec

    ¥19.30定价:¥25.80 (7.49折)


    纪秋云 /2007-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林炮拳


    少林炮拳是少林武术中的核心套路,其动作特点鲜明、风格突出,是少林寺秘不外传的精华套路。 少林炮拳技击含义深刻,神秘莫测,一波三折,环环相扣,刚中带柔,柔里含刚。此拳起源少林寺,一直被视为镇寺之宝。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演 Shaolin Pao Quan is the key routine of Shaolin Wushu, which is created by Fuju master, the Buddhist abbot of Shaolin Temple. Pao Quan is characterized of clear movements and prominent style, so it is the most representative of Shaolin Wushu. Shaolin Pao Quan has the features of attack and defense artillery profound, mysterious, full of twists and turns, gentle in hard. So it has been regarded as the treasures of Shaolin Temple. If regular practice regularly, you will be healthy, stronger and swift, stabilizing feet, sharpening eyes. The book adopts the three-dimensional teaching method, comb

    ¥18.70定价:¥28.90 (6.48折)


    凌长鸣 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林大洪拳


    大洪拳是少林拳法的代表性套路,少林寺寺僧入门必修之拳法。此拳法结构严谨,攻防分明,架势矮小,起落稳健,出手即到,一招制敌,其中绝招多多,被视为中国武术的精华。 Dahong Quan is a representative form in Shaolin Quan. It is a required course for any freshman at Shaolin Temple. This form is famous for compact structure. distinct attacking and defending , and moderate raising and falling. It beasts of unexpected tricky moves,and is therefore regarded as distillation in Chinese Wushu. This program is based on the principles of higher starting-point, authentic theories, and excellent works . Hearty and generous impartation here is aimed at quick and effective acquirement by any learner.

    ¥17.20定价:¥26.50 (6.5折)


    杨华 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  太乙五行拳


    太乙五行拳为道家崂山派拳术,由五行拳和五形拳两部分组成。五行拳为劈拳、钻拳、崩拳、炮拳、横拳五种基本拳法的合称,以金、木、水、火、土与劈、钻、崩、炮、横五种拳法对应。五形拳为龙、虎、豹、鹤、蛇五种拳型。 太乙五行拳融合养生术武功内丹功法,动静结合,性命双修,武道一体。经常练习此拳可使人体内五行平衡,五脏调和,促进血液循环,提高全身各器官系统的机能。 Taiyi Five-form Boxing of Taoism is the boxing technique of Mt. Laoshan school of Taoism. It is mainly made up of two parts: Five-element Boxing and Five-animal Style Boxing. Practicing the boxing is beneficial to the internal organs of the body, which are traditionally the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, making them harmoniously grouped and functioned together. The practicing of the famous priest was integration of activity and stillness for body and soul so as to preserve his

    ¥18.20定价:¥28.00 (6.5折)


    吴晟 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  道家玄音手印功


    《道家玄音手印功》道士在修炼和演奏道乐时,发现特殊手势语言(手印)和声音(咒音)可与人体的经络、脏腑、元气相合。通过结手印和诵咒音可以解除大脑疲劳,缓解压力,方便易学,对时间场地无特别要求,非常适合现代都市白领、公务员等脑力工作群体练习。 When Taoist practice and play music. it is found that the sign symbols and special voice correspond to the body's meridians and organs. Training the skill will benefit the health greatly, so that the body and the universe will be in harmony. Training the skill can relieve the stress and the fatigue. It is facile and easy to learn, without a specific request for time and space. Wu Sheng, also known by his literary name Danfeng, completed the course in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the successor of Taoist Laoshan school and Taoist Xuanmen-style Sword, who has been taught by many Wushu masters, and has studied and trained Taoist incantation and nip finger

    ¥14.80定价:¥22.80 (6.5折)


    吴晟 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  双手剑


    双手剑是剑法运用的一种特殊形式,是以双手抓握剑柄(剑身与剑把均较长)进行剑法套路演练的剑术。 双手剑动作简朴、威武,劲力遒劲、勇猛,特别注重发挥剑身的劈、抹、拦、格等技巧,形成了内外相应、身剑合一的独特技法和运动风格。双手剑剑法怪异,变化莫测,动作多以古典剑法为主,兼收众家剑法之长,静如处子,动似游龙,舞似飞凤,有秦汉之威,盛唐之韵。 双手剑刚中有柔,柔中见刚是力的神韵;刺劈云抹,吞吐开合是剑的灵魂。“一柄长刃洋洋洒洒,三尺龙泉凛凛威风。”粗犷中见洒脱,威猛中见悠扬,是一套不多得的民间武艺经典。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此剑法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Double-handed Sword is a special form in swords-manship.

    ¥17.10定价:¥22.80 (7.5折)


    毛景广 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  白猿通背拳


    白猿通背拳是我国著名的古传武术拳法之一。这种拳法只取猿猴之式而不取猿猴之形,与其他象形拳有很大区别。白猿通背拳的技法特点:以其凶狠冷烈的风格、沉长冷脆的劲力和快速多变的身法,在武林中独树一帜,具有甩膀抖腕、冷弹柔进、放长击远、闪展灵活、擦挂击响的典型特点。经常练习此功法,能提高人体的灵活、协调、反应等身体素质,有助于提高人体的抗击打能力。此套拳法集实用与观赏为一体,是中国民间武术的经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Also known as Tong Bi Quan, Tong Bei Quan is one of the ancient and reputed schools of martial arts in China. Unlike other Xingyi Quan of the similar kind, Tong Bei Quan takes on the spirit of the monkey, rather than the form of the animal.

    ¥18.20定价:¥24.30 (7.49折)


    林少亮 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  醉剑


    醉剑,是酒文化浸润的剑术,它的风格独特,是以武术剑法动作为素材,用醉态形式来表现的另类剑法套路。它的运动特点是“奔放如醉,在徐还疾,往复奇变,忽纵忽收,似醉非醉,似醒非醒,忽快忽慢,步履踉跄,外示沉迷,内藏杀机,巧移重心,攻其不备,以醉取势,以醉感人,以醉进招。”是一套不可多得的民间武艺绝活。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此剑法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Drunk Sword, which is soaked in wine culture, is a special sword play. It is distinctive style, which is based on sword act, using drunkenness as an alterna-tive form of sword performance. Drunk Sword is char-acterized by “unrestrained as drunk, slowly also fast, reciprocating and surprising change, looking drunk not true, sometimes drawling sometimes swift, walk hobblin

    ¥21.60定价:¥28.80 (7.5折)


    李素玲 /2009-02-09 /海燕出版社

  •  四路查拳


    四路查拳》查拳是长拳的一种,是我国北方回族中流传甚广的一种拳术,它姿势舒展,动作灵活,快速有力,节奏鲜明,是武术自选套路和外家拳的代表性拳种。查拳主要套路共有十路.本书介绍的是第四路,名曰“四路升平”。四路查拳又称四趟拳,是查拳拳系中流传*广泛的套路。整个套路内容丰富、结构严谨、技法全面,讲究手脚齐发、上打下踢,演练起来潇洒大方,行似流云,静如古松,是充分代表查拳特色的优秀传统套路。Zha Quan is a kind of Chang Quan and is popular in the northern Islamic communities of our nation.It is known as the features of stretching and generous, forceful and fierce, nimble and swift, clear rhythm, so it is the typical routine of the Out Quan School. There are l O routines of Zha Quan altogether, and this; book will introduce the fourth routine Zha Quan to the reader, because it is the most representative routine of the Zha Quan famil

    ¥19.80定价:¥26.50 (7.48折)


    杨琦 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林小洪拳


    少林小洪拳是中国武术中*基本的拳术,它动作朴实,攻防严谨,架势小巧,用力短促,刚柔相济,且多使暗劲,身法要求曲而不曲,直而不直,起纵落横,滚出滚入。是一套不可多得的少林拳法经典。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Shaolin Small-form Hong boxing is one of the most basic boxing in Chinese Shaolin Wushu. Its movements are simple and plain, attack and protection are precise, positions are small and cute, with sudden and quick strength especially with a secret force and coupling hardness with softness. The body techniques are neither completely bent nor completely straight, often jumping forward while falling across, and rolling forward and backward. It is a set of rare Shaolin Boxing classics. This book was used by the video teaching materials and the combination of the ma

    ¥16.70定价:¥25.80 (6.48折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  红拳燕青六趟


    燕青拳又称迷踪拳或秘宗拳,属长拳类拳法,但又具有内家拳的特点,各地流行的燕青拳各具特色。此套红拳燕青六趟动作轻灵圆和,架势端正,招法灵活,快慢相间;发力刚柔相济,步稳如落地生根,架势似泰山矗立。这套拳法尤重技击,故易学难练,下盘功夫要求极严,所以在练习中要求外练手、眼、身、法、步,内练精、气、神、力、劲。讲究手与足合、肩与胯合,手随身转、步随身行,身似蛇行、眼随手动,以意领气、以气催力,意到气到、气到力到、眼到手到。本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。Yan Qing Quan is also called Mizong Quan, which is classified as Chang Quan, but it has some features of inner Quan. Yan Qing Quan has the special features in the different areas, but is consistent general

    ¥18.70定价:¥25.00 (7.48折)


    魏真 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林六合拳


    少林六合拳是一部少林拳法的实用宝典,由六种拳法绝招组合而成,故称“六合拳”。 这个套路是两个人以实战为基础的对打练习。其特点是:真打实战、直取快攻、简洁明 了、攻防兼顾、拒绝花势。少林六合拳的步法简单,进退自如,远踢近打,灵活多变,在缠身近战时,又有擒拿绝技,一招制胜。中华武术中的踢、打、摔、拿四大绝技均在此拳中蕴涵。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 The Shaolin Boxing with Six Unifications The Shaolin Boxing with Six Unifications is a practical category of Shaolin Boxing. It consists of 6 forms of unique skills of Shaolin Boxing, hence the name Liuhe Boxing. The set is a one-to-one fighting practice based on real conditions. With the features of fast action and integration of defense and attack, S

    ¥27.90定价:¥37.20 (7.5折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林八极拳


    少林八极拳在我国北方流传较广,该拳的动作刚劲、朴实、发力暴烈突然,大有“晃膀撞倒山,跺脚震九州”的气势。该拳种从风格到练法别具一格,自成一家。 少林八极拳的技术,在颈道上追求崩、撼、突、击、挨、戳、挤、靠等劲。它非常注重攻防技术的练习,在技法上讲究“挨、膀、挤、靠”,不招不架,见招打招。在练法上要求:含胸拨背,顶顶拨腰,沉肩坠肘,气贯丹田。在练习时伴有“哼、哈”二气,以气催力,内外合一,气势磅礴。 经常练习八极拳,对增强体质,发展力量、速度、灵敏等素质,培养勇敢、顽强的作风,都能起到良好的作用。 少林八极拳的步型以弓步、马步为主;步法多以震脚、闯步结合而成。因此动作简练,便于学习和掌握。但初学者不宜急于求成,应反复练习八极拳的基本功(手型、手法、步型、步法),在熟练掌握基本方

    ¥20.40定价:¥27.30 (7.48折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  道家经典养生功


    道家养生古名摄生、道生,即以老庄道家思想为宗旨,周易八卦学说为指导,运用调神、导引吐纳、四时调摄、风水环境、道乐书画,茶养、食养、药养、节欲、辟谷等方法,来调和阴阳、流通气血、培补精气、锻炼筋骨,达到性命双修、身心和谐的目的。本书涵盖了道家养生功的基本门类和知名流派,收录了道家静功、道家站桩功、道家点穴推拿功、五禽戏、坐八段锦、洗髓功、道家太极内功、道家八卦内功、道家剑宗养生功等九部经典养生功法的精华。 Taoist Health skills was called Taoist life skills in Ancient time, that is based on the thought of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, Zhou Yi and the Five Elements Theory as the guide, for the balance of Yin and Yang, spirit and blood, the spirit of the principle of security, using all kinds of ways: intelligence, guided breath, geomantic environment, music, tea-cultivate, food-cultivate, and drug-cultivate, abstinen

    ¥19.30定价:¥25.80 (7.49折)


    吴晟 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  形意五行拳.形意十二形拳


    形意拳是中华传统武术三大著名内家拳之一,讲究“象其形,取其意”,要求“心意诚于中,肢体形于外”,是非常注重内意和外形高度统一的拳术。以“起如风,落如箭,打倒还嫌慢,硬打硬进无遮拦”,体现出快攻直取、寓守于攻、顾打兼备的技击特点。 此拳是形意拳竞赛的规定套路。它是将形意五行、十二形拳中的典型招式进行重新组合创编的综合性拳法。此拳内容丰富,动作流畅,布局合理,集实用与观赏为一体,是形意门富有较高艺术价值的经典套路。 VE ANIMALS QUAN Xingyi Boxing is one of three well-known traditional Chinese Wushu inner boxing. this boxing pays attention to“as its shape, adopt its meaning” Request "will in mind, shape on outside." It attaches great importance to the high degree of unity of the inside and outside. It is characterized the integration of hands and feet, internal and external three conformities,

    ¥26.00定价:¥40.00 (6.5折)


    李素玲 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  女子防身术


    ¥16.20定价:¥25.00 (6.48折)


    杨华 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  初级南刀


    《初级南刀》南刀是南少林的传统刀术,也是南派武术中流传甚广的一种器械。初级南刀是中国武术的入门套路,共有?6个动作,是晋升中国武术段位级别的标准考评套路。主要刀法有斩、砍、架、推、扫、截、劈、撩、挂、格、扎、按、捧等。这个套路具有刀法快捷、刚劲有力、步疾刀猛、动若猛虎的典型特点,步法稳健沉实,节奏明快干脆,发劲饱满冈U烈,讲解清晰,简单易学。是初学者的理想教材。 As the traditional broadsword skill of SouthernShaolin school,“Elementary Broadsword of Southern School" is very popular among Southern School.It is the very routine for beginners of Wushu practice. All together with 1 6 movements, it is officially considered as the Standard RoLitine of Level-promotion in Chinese Wushu Contest.“Elementary Broadsword of Southern School" is featured by such techniques as cutting, blocking, pushing, sweeping, chopping, and pointing of the broa

    ¥13.80定价:¥21.30 (6.48折)


    高秀明 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  双节棍


    双节棍又称为双截棍、二节棍,是武术项目中短兵器的一种。它是一种软中带硬、柔中带刚的兵器,使用中能收能放,能长能短,携带方便,近战时威力无穷。 截拳道自功夫之王李小龙先生创立以来素以动作刚劲迅猛而著称于世,双节棍更是其精华之所在。李小龙的双节棍技术炉火纯青,登峰造极,迅猛异常。双节棍是一种很好的防身健体器械,使用起来运动如飞,有如狂风扫落叶,所向披靡。双节棍的动作变化无穷,其招法分为劈、扫、打、抽、提、拉等,是深受武家推崇的致命武器。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此棍法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Two-segmented cudgel, also known as two sticks, is a short Wushu weapon. It is a hard band of soft, flexible band in the weapons, can be let out and drawn in,

    ¥15.30定价:¥20.50 (7.47折)


    李惠 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  陈氏太三极十六式单剑


    “陈氏太极三十六势单剑”,是太极拳套路占用短器械的一种。此剑法结合陈氏太极拳的身法、步法、窜、蹦、跳跃等,运用陈氏太极的螺旋缠丝劲,劲达腕关节,从而用手腕来控制剑的形状,把剑法的崩、挂、撩、劈、刺、点、托、架、扫、化等运用出来。此套剑法沉稳、轻快、飘洒、自然、演练时要以意导气、以气运身、劲贯剑身、人剑合一,方能体现出这套剑法的精华和奥妙。 Thirty-six Forms of Chen Famnily Taiji Sword is one of the short weapons of Taiji.lt is slow, gentle,delicate, containing both firmncss and gentleness requiring flexibility when you play it.lt is gentle and natural, and also reflects both male and female characteristics.Finally, the sword is like a flowing dragon creating unity between body and sword.

    ¥24.70定价:¥38.00 (6.5折)


    陈自强 /2009-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  综合形意拳


    形意拳是中华传统武术三大著名内家拳之一,讲究“象其形,取其意”,要求“心意诚于中,肢体形于外”,是非常注重内意和外形高度统一的拳术。以“起如风,落如箭,打倒还嫌慢,硬打硬进无遮拦”,体现出快攻直取、寓守于攻、顾打兼备的技击特点。 此拳是形意拳竞赛的规定套路。它是将形意五行、十二形拳中的典型招式进行重新组合创编的综合性拳法。此拳内容丰富,动作流畅,布局合理,集实用与观赏为一体,是形意门富有较高艺术价值的经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Xingyi Boxing is one of three well-known tradi-tional Chinese Wushu inner boxing, this boxing pays attention to “as its shape, adopt its meaning.” Request “will in mind, shape on ou

    ¥15.80定价:¥24.30 (6.51折)


    李素玲 主编 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林梅花单刀


    拳谚说“单刀看手、双刀看走、大刀看顶手”,少林梅花单刀的特点是缠头裹脑、翻转劈扫、撩挂云刺、托架抹挑等,勇猛快速、气势逼人,刚劲有力,如猛虎一般。是少林武术中的经典刀法之一. Just as old saying in Kongfu goes, the merit of single broadsword play consists in its hand-technique while that of double broadswords in its step-technique, so Shaolin plum-blossom broadsword play is characterized by its unique hand-skill such as the fast-paced wrapping around the player’s body, in particular the head, powerful, vigorous chopping and swingwing like a fierce tiger getting up on its hind legs. Actually, it’s generally acknowledged as one of the most treasured classic routines among Shaolin martial arts. The broadsword play is demonstrated by Diao Shanduo, the nationwide gold medal winner of Chinese Traditional Martial Arts Competition.

    ¥16.10定价:¥24.80 (6.5折)


    纪秋云 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林朴刀


    少林朴刀是中国武术中的传统兵器。由于这种兵器刀身宽大、刀刃锐利,所以威力强大,极具杀伤力。朴刀的演练套路很多,但流传于民间的传统表演套子中要属少林派朴刀*为突出。少林朴刀多以大劈大砍为主,刀法疯狂、勇猛彪悍、刀走云飞、气势逼人。这套刀法内容非常丰富,除了劈、砍、挑、架等。常见刀法,如“赶马三刀”、“梢公独钓”,“仙人指路”,“寒江独钓”等等,整个套路编排合理,路线流畅,刀法多变,是少林武术的经典套路,代表了目前大刀类兵器的较高水平。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材(DVD)相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 The Shaolin Long-hilt Broadsword serves as the traditional weapon in the Wushu of China. With extremely wide hilt and sharp blade, the very weapon turns out powerful and

    ¥17.20定价:¥26.50 (6.5折)


    李素玲 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林六合枪


    少林六合枪是一部实用枪法宝典。由六种枪法绝招组合而成,故名“六合枪”。 这个套路是两人以实战为基础的真枪对刺演习。其特点是:真枪实战、短兵相接、枪法简捷、直取快攻、一招制胜。讲究“长兵短用,技智兼施,灵活多变”。著名的杨家枪、罗家枪以及民族英雄岳飞的岳家枪都从少林六合枪法中汲取精华而名扬于战场和军中。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 The Shaolin Spear with Six Unifications The Shaolin Spear with Six Unifications is a practical category of Shaolin Spears-manship. It consists of 6 forms of unique skills of Shaolin Spears-manship, hence the name Liuhe Spear. The set is a one-to-one fighting practice based on real conditions. With the features of being fast in action and simple in style, Shaolin Liuhe Spea

    ¥20.10定价:¥31.00 (6.49折)


    刘海科 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  燕青掌


    本套燕青拳动作刚柔并济,以柔为主,柔中带刚。 轻灵敏捷,步法灵活,手法变化多端,有抓、插、挂、推、挑、刁、勾、劈、立、搂、挎、抹、拿、按、迎面掌等。挤、扛、抖、伸、晃、缩、撞、坐、轻、软、灵、闪、展、吞吐等。要求背、肩、腰、肘、膝等各部位都要高度协调,不用拙力。不讲硬托硬架,注重乘人之势,借人主力。蓄力待发,站如泰山落地,动则闪电之疾。充分表现出了该拳种的风格特点。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此掌法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承 The routine highlights that hardness and gentleness should be in harmony, but mainly is gentle,swift and nimble. Hands skills: catch, thrust, parry,push, pick, hook, smash, stand, grasp carry, hold, press. Body skills: squeeze, push, shake, stretch,wobble, contract, bump, sit, light,

    ¥15.20定价:¥23.50 (6.47折)


    魏真 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  武松脱铐拳


    武松脱铐拳相传为明清时的武术家依据小说《水浒传》中“武松大闹飞云浦”的故事情节,并通过形象思维,模仿武松在披枷戴铐的情况下,运用武术的攻防技术,战胜敌人的形象而编创的拳术套路。 脱铐拳法以腿法为主,手法为辅,结构清晰,技法独特,突出实战,是一套带有情节的别具一格的拳术套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Wu Song Cast-off-handcuffs Boxing , based on the legend of “Wu Song kills bully in Feiyun Pu” of the Outlaws of the Marsh. Martial experts of Ming dynasty imitated Wu Song handcuffed and flailed with the circumstances, by using offensive and defensive martial arts techniques to defeat the enemy, created the boxing routine create this boxing. Boxing is mainly legs law, supplemented by pra

    ¥16.70定价:¥25.80 (6.48折)


    凌长鸣 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  易筋经


    道家易筋经是集道家养生术之大成的修行健身功法,起源于古代道家方士的导引术。在宋代所撰的道教类书中已有易髓、易筋的说法。 道家易筋经通过吐纳导引采气按摩静坐站桩等功法,对人体进行全面的静养和锻炼,以达到“洗髓易筋”的效果。道家易筋经的特点是融合了道家武学的筋骨训练方法,以养生为体,技击为用,内外兼顾,故可称为武学宝典。 Yijin Jing of Taoism is the health Qigong according to the Taoist technique of keeping fit. The Chinese character of Yi means changing , altering or varying. By certain exercising methods of breathing, massaging, sitting still and standing on pillars, this health Qigong produces splendid wonders of cultivating both body and soul in a comprehensive and all-sided way. Furthe-rmore, it's effective to practice not only the internal essence of jing-qi-shen or spirit and soul, but also the external essence of bone, muscle and skin.

    ¥20.40定价:¥27.30 (7.48折)


    吴晟 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  翻子拳


    翻子拳是流传于中国北方的一种拳法,它以直拳摆拳为主,并以腰力贯穿其身法,使两拳快以似闪电,密如疾雨,使人防不胜防,非常实用,被视为中国武林中的精华。firmness. Footwork focuses on speed and relaxed, agile movements as well as jumping. Throughout the form, opening and closing actions complement each other. It is suggested that New-Frame Routine II is a natural progression from New-Frame Routine I of the Chen Taijiquan.

    ¥21.60定价:¥28.80 (7.5折)


    毛景广 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  四把锤


    红拳经历代宗师研练改进,不但姿势工美,身步灵活,节奏明快,而且突出了技击性。本套四把锤突出了红拳以柔为主、柔中带刚、轻灵敏捷、掌法多变、注重技击、步法灵活的特点。主要步型有马步、弓步、虚步、丁步、仆步、插步、退步、并步、盖步等;腿法有劈腿、提腿、蹬腿、踢腿、里合腿等;其手法变化多端,且象形手法在此套路中的运用出神入化,不拘于死手;身法突出表现为:轻、软、灵、闪、展、吞吐等。是一套不可多得的中国民间经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 After the development and study of generations to generations, Hong Quan is characterized of neat, swift and nimble, various palms skill, highlighting the attack skill. Si Ba Chui of Hong Quan fully embody the features

    ¥14.10定价:¥20.50 (6.88折)


    李惠 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林拳


    少林拳的套路很多,主要有大红拳、小红拳、朝阳拳、通臂拳、七星拳、青龙出海、炮拳、心意拳、六合少林禅、十八手等套路。本书介绍的是综合性的教学套路。 There are many routines in “Shaolin” boxing, such as big red boxing, small red boxing, Chaoyang boxing, ape’s back and fore-limbs boxing, seven-star boxing, blue dragon boxing, canon boxing, hear-will boxing, six-mergence boxing, eighteen-style boxing, etc. In this book, the synthetic teaching routine will be introduced.

    ¥18.40定价:¥24.60 (7.48折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  关中红拳


    《关中红拳》本套燕青掌动作刚柔并重,以柔为主,柔中带刚。轻灵敏捷,步法灵活,手法变化多端,有抓、插、挂、推、挑、刁、勾、劈、立、搂、挎、抹、拿、按、迎面掌等。身法突出表现为:挤、扛、抖、伸、晃、缩、撞、坐、轻、软、灵、闪、展、吞吐等。要求背、肩、腰、肘、膝等各部位都要高度协调.不用拙力,不讲硬托硬架,注重乘人之势。借人之力,蓄力待发,站如泰山落地:动则闪电之疾,充分表现出了该拳种的风格特点。 The routine highlights that hardness and gentleness should be in harmony. but mainly is gentle.swift and nimble. Hands skills: catch, thrust, parry,push, pick, hook, smash, stand, grasp, carry, hold, press. Body skills: squeeze, push, shake, stretch,wobble, contract, bump, sit, light, soft, avoid, spread and so on, all parts of body should be well cooperated.Do not use force awkwardly, but take advantage of the force of the oppo

    ¥14.30定价:¥22.00 (6.5折)


    李惠 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  小秦枪


    小秦枪是陕西红拳中长兵器的代表套路,它集内外家之长,具有浓郁的西北民风。这套枪法架势端庄、身法灵活、力点准确、动作简洁明快。基本枪法以拦、拿、扎为主,在各种身法、步法的配合下又以红拳枪八法中的“封、闭、提、拿、撸、提、缠、环”等技法贯穿其中。此套枪法集实用与观赏为一体,是一套不可多得的中国民间经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此枪法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Xiao Qin Qiang is a representative routine of Shan Xi Hong Quan weapon family, which contains the strong flavour of traditional customs of the Northwest. The basic spear techniques with the coordination of block, hold, stick, are all coordinated with the technique of close, lift, wind, strip, shut and so on of Hong Boxing. With the features of decorous attitude, flexible mo

    ¥17.60定价:¥23.50 (7.49折)


    李惠 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  鹰爪拳


    鹰爪拳是吸收鹰的形、意和击法发展而成的一种拳术,属于中国武术象形拳的一种。此拳以少林拳术的特点动作为基础,模仿鹰爪抓扣和鹰翼翻旋的动作,根据雄鹰的生活习性和捕食特点,结合少林武术技击方法创编而成的独特拳法。此拳法独到之处在于它动作神速,出手狠毒,主要攻击对方的咽喉、关节等要害部位,是中国仿生拳法的经典套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术 The Eagle Claw Quan is a kind of quan that deve-lops from the form, spirit and attack method of the eagle, it is a kind of imitation boxing in Chinese Wushu. It mainly imitates the way the eagle grabs and clasps, the way the eagle swings with its wings in the sky. It’s a particular kind of quan that was created from the eagle’s behaviour and the peculiarities it hunts, while combined with the skills in Wushu. This routine is ori

    ¥16.20定价:¥25.00 (6.48折)


    凌长鸣 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林罗汉十三式


    ¥20.90定价:¥26.50 (7.89折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  游身八卦掌


    八卦掌是我国武术流派中的主要拳种之一,是以掌法变换和行步走转为主的拳术套路,其运动形式纵横交错,运动特点是身捷步灵、沿圈走转、*应变、以变应变、运动不息、变化不止。强调通过不停的走、转、变招,来避开对手的正面攻击,而以我之变化顺势打击对手的侧面或斜面,所以“避正打斜”,以“正”祛“邪”是八卦掌的主要技法特点。这套八卦掌内容丰富,变化多样,身法、腿法贯穿始终,是中国民间武术的经典套路之一。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Round Body Eight Diagrams Palm is one of the most famous Chinese traditional Wushu. The change of Eight Diagrams palm consists of palm technique and step technique routines, its movement is characterized by step round neatly and swiftly, adapt

    ¥19.70定价:¥30.30 (6.51折)


    李惠 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  初级南拳


    南拳是南派武术的代表拳法之一。初级南拳是中国武术的入门套路,共有32个动作,是晋升中国武术段位级别的标准考评套路。这套拳法手法多变,步法稳健,节奏明快,布局合理,刚健有力,并伴有发声呼喝,威武雄壮,气势磅礴。本教材讲解清楚,简单易学,是初学者的理想教材。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Southern style Quan serves as one of the representatives of martial arts of Southern School. “Elementary Quan of Southern School” is the very routine for beginners. It consists of 32 movements, and is officially appointed as the Standard Routine of Level-promotion in the National Wushu Contest. “Elementary Quan of Southern School” is featured by its substantial content, reasonable layout in structure, plentiful hand-techniques, following with r

    ¥15.80定价:¥24.30 (6.51折)


    潘燕 /2009-07-01 /海燕出版社

  •  中国武术入门之初级刀术


    刀是武术中短器械的一种,由古代兵器演变而来。刀以劈砍为主,“刀之利,利在砍”,另外还有撩、刺、截、拦、崩、斩、抹、带、缠裹等刀法。刀术的特点是勇猛快速、气势逼人,刚劲有力,如猛虎一般,并要求进退闪转和纵跳翻腾都要刀随身换,身械协调一致。 这个套路是中国武术中*基本的刀术套路之一,以缠头裹脑为基本动作,加上劈、砍、挂、撩、扎、点、云、崩等刀法,动作勇猛快速、激烈奔腾、雄健剽悍,且简单易学,是武术的入门套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此刀法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Broadsword, the famous short Chinese Wushu weapon, has evolved from ancient weapons. The me-thods are mainly refer to cut. It is said that the advan-tage of broadsword is to cut. In addition, it includes cut in

    ¥16.50定价:¥22.00 (7.5折)


    高秀明 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  疯魔棍


    这套棍因其动作矫健敏捷,快速迅猛、棍行有声,脚底生风,如疯似魔而得名。又因其快猛,交手中对手有眼难避,眼花缭乱,如同盲人一般,故又名“瞎子棍”。此棍法集群羊棍、梨花枪和苗刀之特点,吸收通臂二十四式之步法,编整而成。内容充实,风格独特,技法特点突出,实战威力较大。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 The routine cudgel gains its name for the agile and swift movements which are like sound and wind and also for its speed and power which make the enmies dazzling and unable to avoid. It has another name as “Blind Stick”, because the enemies are as if they were blind while fighting. This set of cudgel gathers the essence of sheep-stick, pear-spear and miao-broa-dsword. It also absorbs the step characters of 24 forms. It has

    ¥19.20定价:¥24.30 (7.91折)


    王华锋 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林六合棍


    少林六合棍是少林武术中的精华,由六种棍法绝招组合而成,故称“六合棍”。 这个套路是两个人以实战为基础的攻防对打练习。其特点是:真打实战、短兵相接、棍法简捷、直取快攻、一招制胜。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 THE SHAOLIN CUDGEL WITH SIX UNIFICATIONS The Shaolin Cudgel with Six Unifications is the essence of Shaolin Wushu. It consists of 6 forms of unique skills of Shaolin Stick arts, hence the name Liuhe Cudgel. The set is a one-to-one fighting practice based on real conditions. Its features are close combat, fast action, simple style and that one move decides the winning situation. This book adopts the three-dimensional teaching method of diagram, words and video. The authoritative are invited for technical performance and teaching demonstrations, guaranteeing the

    ¥17.80定价:¥27.50 (6.48折)


    刘海科 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  中国武术入门之初级棍术


    ¥17.60定价:¥23.50 (7.49折)


    高秀明 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  苗刀


    苗刀刀身修长,兼有刀、枪两种兵器之特点,且可单、双手变换使用,临阵杀敌,威力极大,是闻名中外的传统刀技。中国历史档案馆保存的重要历史资料《苗刀考证》中写到:“苗刀用以冲锋陷阵,杀敌致果,远胜单刀及其他短兵。迨明代戚继光将军,改铸精绝。传之于其部下,杀敌致果,斩将擎旗,赖以刀法,威震华夏。” 是中华民族的宝贵文化遗产。 中国苗刀招式朴实、严谨,以身催刀,刀随身转,逢进必跟,逢跟必进,进退连环,动作剽悍雄健,势如破竹。它善于连续进攻,攻中有防,技法千变万化。它内涵丰富,结构严谨,刀法凌厉,技击性强,具有很高的科学性、实战性与锻炼价值。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Miao broadsw

    ¥15.30定价:¥20.50 (7.47折)


    王志海 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林阴手棍


    本书采用图文教材与影视教材(DVD)相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,深度讲解少林棍法的实用方法,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Shaolin Yin Shou cudgel is a special cudgel set pattern. Yu Da-you, the general against Japanese pirates, visited Shaolin Temple, and taught Shaolin monks the cudgel set pattern practiced in his army. The generations of Shaolin wushu monks studied and practiced it, and have developed it into a unique Shaolin cudgel set pattern, called “Yin Shou cudgel”. The feature is using the two ends of the cudgel, making a feint to the east and attack in the west, pointing the upper but hitting the lower. The cudgel seems to be held horizontally but not really horizontally, and vertically but not really vertically. The cudgel seems to attack a crowd, actually just a row. The best advantage is that the cudgel can be used as flexibly as a gun. Therefore, the Shaolin cudgel set p

    ¥14.90定价:¥23.00 (6.48折)


    李素玲 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林童子功


    中华武术博大精深、内容丰富。有拳术、器械、气功、轻功、硬气功等多种功法。人们常见的多是一些拳术或刀剑之类的套路表演。而那些神秘的传奇功法多是鲜为人知的。少林童子功就是中国功夫当中*为传神的功法之一。 对于少林寺的武功来说,由于传统宗法的影响,历代恪守"秘笈不外传"的宗旨,致使许多神功绝技只在寺内武僧中流传,很少进入社会,世人对此了解甚少。 少林寺的神功绝技有,气功、轻功、点穴功、童子功、以及金钟罩铁布衫、铁头功等等。其中童子功是少林寺*为古老的一种功法。也是少林寺功夫当中的精华部分,被视为镇寺之宝。其功法难度很大,练习这种功法是从童子开始,练成之后身体各部位会软如棉,轻如燕,硬如铁。直至老年也可收到鹤发童颜,精神矍铄之功效。 The Shaolin Virgin Boy Exercise includes external, internal, and soft exercis

    ¥21.00定价:¥28.00 (7.5折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  少林七星拳


    少林七星拳是少林武术中*古老的拳法之一,它攻防突出,节奏严谨,架势小巧,灵活多变,且实战性强,套路短小精悍,拳打卧牛之地,制敌于方寸之间。是一种原汁原味的嫡传少林拳法。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Shaolin Seven-star Boxing is one of the most ancient boxing techniques. There is a variety of attack and defence techniques with its well-knit structure,ingenious positions,flexibility and practical in fighting.It is also an absolutely direct-line-handed Shaolin boxing technique.This form is brief but vigorous,easy to learn and practise.It can attack the rivals vital part within limited space. This book was used by the video teaching materials and the combination of the main of teaching, authoritative sources invited for technical performance and teaching demonstrations, gu

    ¥15.40定价:¥23.80 (6.48折)


    杨华 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  中国武术入门之初级枪术


    枪,中国武术中的著名长器械,由棍与矛演化而来,为武术常用器械之一,被称为长兵之帅。枪术历史悠久,主要动作为拦、拿、扎等。枪术的运动特点是忽长似矛,忽短似匕;尖扎把打,首尾相兼,故有“枪似游龙”之喻。 这个套路是中国武术中*基本的枪术套路之一,其中有点枪、拨枪、拉枪、推枪、舞花枪、拦、拿、扎枪等基本枪法,配合基本步型、步法、身法,整个套路结构紧凑,枪法扎实,简单易学,是武术的入门套路。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Spear, the famous Chinese Wushu equipment, has evolved from cudgel and lance. As one of the most common used weapon, spear is always called “the Leader of Weapons”. It has the feature that changes suddenly, sometime like a long spear, sometime li

    ¥15.80定价:¥24.30 (6.51折)


    纪秋云 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  少林柔拳


    少林拳是中国功夫中的内功拳法。传说由少林寺二祖惠柯所创,共有柔拳三路,一直是嵩山少林寺内高僧内部修炼,从不外传。本拳法之动作轻柔,内外兼修,势式连贯,刚进柔出,意、气、力三鼎合一,尤其适合中老年人练习。一路柔拳是由“罗汉十三式”的十三个动作串连而成的,是少林连环功法的高级阶段,其动作优美,教练正面示范与背面领做相结合,即学即会。 Shaolin Rou Quan is an inner strength exercise of the Shaolin School of martial arts. It is said to be created originally by the Second Master HuiKe of the Songshan Shaolin Temple,consisting of 3sets of Rou Quan exercises, It was taught only to the senior monks of the temple and only within the temple's compolund ,not to be spread to the ouside world. This is form of exercise consists of gentle and forceful continuous movements with combination of mind, strength and proper breathing. It is one of Shaolin's advanced forms,

    ¥16.20定价:¥25.00 (6.48折)


    毛景广 /2007-09-29 /海燕出版社

  •  中国武术入门之初级长拳


    拳术是中国武术运动的主要内容,多指徒手套路,主要有长拳、太极拳、南拳等。长拳是武术的主要拳种之一。现代武术中的长拳多指查、华、炮、红、少林等具有拳法舒展、快速等特点的拳术,以及由此发展的长拳类器械,如刀、枪、棍、剑套路。本书所选套路是中国武术的入门套路,整套动作舒展大方、简单易学、招式分明、讲解清楚,是初学者的理想教材。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此拳法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Quanshu is the important ingredient of Chinese Wushu. It mainly refers to bare-hand routine, such as “Changquan”, “Taiji Quan”, “Nan Quan” and so on. Changquan is one of the main Chinese traditional Wushu. The modern fighting arts mainly refer to those pugilistic arts which have the characters of stretchy and quick movemen

    ¥14.30定价:¥22.00 (6.5折)


    杨琦 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社

  •  杨氏五十四势单剑


    陈氏太极五十四势单剑,是陈氏剑法*古老的套路之一。此剑法是将陈氏太极拳法中的手、眼、身、法、步与陈氏太极独有的螺旋缠丝劲相结合,使劲力用于腕部,从而使手腕控制剑的姿态,把剑法中的点、刺、劈、挂、托、 扫、游、让、化等剑法运用使出。这套剑法的特点是:沉稳、自然、 飘洒、灵巧多变、阴阳开合有度。 演练要以意导气,以气运身,劲贯剑身,*终把剑舞得像游龙一样,达到人剑合一的**境界。 The form of 54-postures of Chen-style Taiji single sword is one of the oldest Taiji sword forms of Chen Family Taiji single sword. This elegant form puts hands, eyes, body and step methods together, the movements take such shapes as graceful arcs and spirals. Power and control of the sword is through the wrist. In the 54-postures of Chen-style Taiji single sword forms there is a range of sword techniques: thrusting, chopping, cutt-ing, upward, parrying, block

    ¥32.20定价:¥43.00 (7.49折)

    陈自强 /2008-12-02 /海燕出版社

  •  中国武术入门之初级剑术


    剑,由古代兵器演化而来,是我国武术的四大名器之一,誉称为“百兵之君”。其用法有刺、劈、挂、点、崩、云、抹、穿、压等,在剑法的基础上配以剑指,加上各种步法、步型、跳跃、平衡、旋转等动作构成了剑术的套路。剑术套路繁多,常见的有:青萍剑、武当剑、八卦剑、太极剑、螳螂剑、醉剑、龙形剑等等。 这个套路是中国武术中*基本的剑术套路之一,该套路剑法洒脱,简单易学,是武术的入门套路和必修教材。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立体教学手段,并邀请此剑法权威人士进行技术表演和教学示范,保证学习者获取原汁原味的技法传承。 Sword, one of the four famous martial arts, has evolved from ancient weapons. The main usages are thrust, cut, row, point, burst, wave, daub, penetrate, press and so on. The foundation supported in sword finger, co-operating with all kinds of footwork,

    ¥15.30定价:¥20.50 (7.47折)

    纪秋云 /2008-08-01 /海燕出版社
